A political party is an organization that participates in public affairs and aims to elect candidates to the Legislative Assembly. Parties must register with Elections Alberta, maintain up-to-date registration information, and submit regular reports to disclose their financial activities.
This section provides resources and links for registered parties, and information on how to register a party. For the complete guide on party fundraising, spending, and reporting rules click here. For advertising guidelines click here.
Marilyn Burns, Leader
Carol Nordlund Kinsey, President
Ron Malowany, Chief Financial Officer
Box 82
Winfield, AB T0C 2X0 https://albertaadvantageparty.ca
The Alberta Advantage Party made an application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Advantage Party of Alberta”. The request was received and approved, and the change was made effective February 9, 2022.
John Roggeveen, Interim Leader
Helen Mcmenamin, President
Aleksandar Samardzija, Chief Financial Officer
PO Box 94098 RPO Elbow River
Calgary, AB T2S 0S4 www.albertaliberal.com Toll Free: 1-800-607-2260
Phone: (780) 414-1124
Email: office@albertaliberal.com
Vacant, Leader
Ashley MacDonald, President
Jason McKee, Chief Financial Officer
319, 3630 Brentwood Road NW
Box 45066 Brentwood PO
Calgary, Alberta T2L 1Y4 www.greenpartyofalberta.ca
Phone: (587) 419-6688
Email: president@albertagreens.ca
The Evergreen Party of Alberta made an application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Green Party of Alberta”. The request was received and approved, and the change was made effective November 1, 2012.
Murray Ruhl, Leader
Murray Ruhl, President
Graham Gagnon, Chief Financial Officer
12 Spruce Ctr SW
Calgary, Alberta T3C 3B3 www.prolifealberta.com
Toll Free: 1-855-398-8486
Email: connect@prolifealberta.com
The Alberta Social Credit Party made application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Pro-Life Alberta Political Association”. The request was received and approved, and the change was made effective May 3, 2017.
Andrew Jacobson, Interim Leader
Micheal Enders, President
Kathleen Adler, Chief Financial Officer
PO Box 25166 RPO Deer Park
Red Deer, AB, T4R 2M2 www.albertarepublicans.com
Phone: (587) 847-4777
Toll Free: 1-877-747-7729
Email: contact@albertarepublicans.com
The Buffalo Party of Alberta made application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Republican Party of Alberta”. The request was received and approved, and the change was made effective February 10, 2025.
The Alberta Independence Party made application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Independence Party of Alberta”. The request was received and approved, and the change was made effective October 29, 2019.
Following this change, the Independence Party of Alberta made application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “The Independence Party of Alberta”. The request was received and approved, and the change was made effective January 26, 2021.
Danielle Smith, Leader
Rob Smith, President
Ken Engler, Chief Financial Officer
203, 2915 21 Street NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7T1 www.unitedconservative.ca
Toll Free: 1-888-465-2660
Email: info@unitedconservative.ca
The Chief Electoral Officer approved a request to merge the Wildrose Party and the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta with the United Conservative Party. The effective date of the merger is January 1, 2020.
Jeevan Mangat, Interim Leader
Rick Northey, President
Kenneth Walker, Chief Financial Officer
Unit 163 17008 – 90 Ave
Edmonton, AB T5T 1L6 www.wildrosenation.com
Phone: 1-888-528-1643
Email: contact@wildrosenation.com
The Alberta First Party made application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Western Freedom Party of Alberta”, which was approved and made effective April 23, 2018.
Following this change, the Western Freedom Party of Alberta made an application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Freedom Conservative Party of Alberta”, which was approved and made effective June 22, 2018.
Following this change, the Freedom Conservative Party of Alberta made an application to the Chief Electoral Officer to change the party name to “Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta”, which was approved and made effective July 23, 2020.
Paul Hinman, Leader
Danny Hozack, President
Tami Tatlock, Chief Financial Officer
Box 13, Site 7, RR 3
Ponoka, AB T4J 1R3 www.wildroseloyaltycoalition.com
Toll Free: 1-888-262-1888
Email: admin@votewlc.com
A registered party can accept contributions, at any time, from persons ordinarily resident in Alberta. Contributions can be money or in-kind donations of goods or services.
The maximum a party can receive from any given contributor is $5,000 per year, less any other contributions that person may make to registered constituency associations, candidates, leadership contestants, or other parties in the year. The party’s chief financial officer is responsible for reporting contributions to Elections Alberta and issuing official contribution receipts to contributors, which contributors can claim for non-refundable personal income tax credits on their tax return.
Click here for more information on contributions and receipts, including previous contribution limits.
Fundraising Events
A registered party or any person acting on the party’s behalf can hold events and activities to raise funds at any time. Examples of fundraising events include a luncheon, meet & greet, rally, golf tournament, silent auction etc. Contribution rules limit who can pay to attend events and who can donate/bid at a silent auction. All fundraising revenues and expenses must be reported on the party’s annual or campaign return.
Click here for more information on fundraising events.
Expense Limits
Parties can spend funds at any time, however a spending limit applies during the election period. The election expense period begins on the day the Writ of Election is issued and extends until the polls close on Election Day.
The limit applies to “election expenses” which are any property, goods or services used, distributed or consumed during the election period, for the party’s promotion or for opposing others. Examples include advertising in all formats, advertising production, fundraising events and activities, polling including surveys and research, honoraria and salaries, office and technology, etc.
For general elections, the party’s election expense limit is based on $1.3275 times the number of electors in the Register of Electors on the first day of the month, three months before Election Day.
For a by-election, the party’s election expense limit is $28,000 per electoral division. For a senate election, the maximum that a party can spend is $121,400 per senate candidate endorsed by the party.
Click here for more information on expense limits, including previous expense limits.
Filing Deadlines
Parties must disclose their financial activities to Elections Alberta by filing quarterly contribution reports, annual financial statements, and campaign financial statements following elections. Audited financial statements are required if revenue or expenses for the reporting period exceed $25,000. Automatic late filing fees apply for failure to file a report or return on time.
Click here for more information on filing deadlines.
Financial Reporting
View registration and financial information for parties.
Registered party officials are granted access to Elections Alberta’s secure Online Financial System (OFS) to report contributions, issue official contribution receipts to contributors, and submit financial returns.