Constituency Associations

constituency association (CA) is a volunteer-run organization established by a political party, or by an Independent Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), to support political activities on their behalf. A party may establish up to 87 CAs in Alberta—one per electoral division.  An Independent Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) may establish only one CA, in the MLA’s electoral division. Political activities include promotion, fundraising, membership drives etc.

The political party, or Independent MLA, must register their CA(s) with Elections Alberta, maintain up-to-date registration information, and ensure that the CA(s) submits annual financial reports to disclose financial activities.

This section provides resources and links for constituency associations, and information on how to register a constituency association. For advertising guidelines click here.



A registered constituency association can only accept contributions from persons ordinarily resident in Alberta and only outside of the campaign period for an election.

Contributions can be money or in-kind donations of goods or services. The maximum a constituency association can receive from any given contributor is $5,000 per year, less any other contributions the person may make to registered parties, candidates, leadership contestants or other constituency associations in the year.

The constituency association’s chief financial officer is responsible for reporting contributions to Elections Alberta and issuing official contribution receipts to contributors, which contributors can claim for non-refundable personal income tax credits on their tax return.

Click here for more information on contributions and tax receipts, including previous contribution limits.

Fundraising Events

Registered constituency associations can hold events and activities outside of campaign periods, to raise funds for the constituency association, their party or candidate(s). Examples of fundraising events include a luncheon, meet & greet, rally, golf tournament, silent auction etc. Contribution rules limit who can pay to attend events and who can donate/bid at a silent auction. All fundraising revenues and expenses must be reported on the constituency association’s annual return.

Click here for more information on fundraising events.

Expense Limits

Registered constituency associations do not have spending limits for their operational expenses.

Constituency associations may pay campaign and election expenses on behalf of the party or the candidate. These expenses must be reported by the constituency association and by the party or candidate. The payment of election expenses, by a CA on behalf of a party or a candidate, count toward the party’s or candidate’s spending limits.

Election expenses are any property, goods or services used, distributed or consumed during the election period, for the party’s or candidate’s promotion or for opposing others. Examples include advertising in all formats, advertising production, fundraising events and activities, polling including surveys and research, honoraria and salaries, office and technology, etc.

Click here for more information on expense limits.

Filing Deadlines

Constituency associations must disclose their financial activities, including filing a nil report if applicable (no financial activity), to Elections Alberta by filing annual financial statements. Automatic late filing fees apply for failure to file the financial return on time.

Click here for more information on filing deadlines.

Financial Reporting

View registration and financial information for constituency associations.

View Financial Reporting Website

Online Financial System (OFS)

Registered constituency association chief financial officers and presidents are granted access to Elections Alberta’s secure Online Financial System to report contributions, issue official contribution receipts to contributors, and submit financial returns.

Contact us for access and login queries.

Login to OFS Website